
Hen and Stag games

Hen Party Games

Prosecco Pong

A classy twist on beer pong. Use prosecco or a favorite sparkling drink to make it fun and Instagram-worthy.

Mr. & Mrs. Quiz

Test the bride’s knowledge of her partner with questions like "What's his favorite food?" or "What's his most embarrassing moment?"

Compare her answers to a pre-recorded or written list from the groom.

Make a Wedding Dress

Split into teams and create wedding dresses using toilet paper, ribbons, or any other materials on hand.

The bride picks the best design!

Naughty or Nice Bingo

Create bingo cards with words or actions (e.g., "Bride laughs," "Someone drops a drink"). Tick them off throughout the night.

Tailor it to fit your group’s humor level.

Truth or Dare (Hen Edition)

Tailor this classic game to the group, focusing on lighthearted truths and silly dares to keep the energy fun and inclusive.

Stag Party Games

Beer Olympics

Set up a series of beer-related challenges, like chugging contests, flip cup, and ring toss with beer bottles.

Award prizes for individual or team victories.

Stag Trivia

Prepare a quiz about the groom’s life, interests, and funny moments.

Add dares for wrong answers to spice things up.

Pub Crawl Scavenger Hunt

Create a checklist of challenges to complete at different pubs, like getting a stranger's signature or taking a funny group photo.

Drunk Jenga

Use a giant Jenga set with written challenges or tasks on each block, such as "Take a shot" or "Share a funny story about the groom."

Roast the Groom

Each person shares a funny or embarrassing story about the groom, with prizes for the best roast.

Keep it lighthearted and entertaining.


These games can be tailored to suit the group’s preferences and energy levels while ensuring everyone has a memorable time!

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